A White Persons thoughts for the week
Our Life is a Link in the Eternal Chain of our Folk
Weekly editorials from the Aryan Proletariat. We welcome your input and thoughts. This is a voice for our Folk community.
This short commentary changes every Friday.  Articles are not archived.
Dr Goebbels exposes the spiritual enemy.
Commander Rockwell: Peace Creeps and Hells Angels

The Fatal Effects of DEI in Practice

10-18-24 (135) The Milford Regional Medical Center’s (Milford MA) announcement about rules for its "inclusive environment" caused a recent stir with a warning to potential patients that they must follow a specific code of conduct to access their services.


The Jew, Dr. Peter Smulowitz, chief medical officer at the Massachusetts medical center, had released a now-unlisted video on the hospital’s official YouTube channel explaining how not just staff, but patients themselves, are held accountable for causing offense, ranging from rhetoric to a hostile tone of voice.


The Jew further warned potential patients that "body language and tone of voice are also important parts of communication." Can you get any more Nineteen Eighty-Four than that? The Jew wants total control of your situation and threatens your well being and possibly your life should you fail to comply with the Marxist directive.


To put it simply, the problem with DEI isn't with diversity, equity or inclusion — all Jewish values. The danger posed by DEI resides primarily not in these Marxist ends but in the unconstitutional means chosen to advance them. Firing or not hiring someone because of their race is discrimination and is illegal. Yet, when a non-Aryan is treated preferentially in the workplace based on that same characteristic, race, it is called ‘diversity & inclusion.” How quaint.