A White Persons thoughts for the week
Our Life is a Link in the Eternal Chain of our Folk
Weekly editorials from the Aryan Proletariat. We welcome your input and thoughts. This is a voice for our Folk community.
This short commentary changes every Friday.  Articles are not archived.
Dr Goebbels exposes the spiritual enemy.
Commander Rockwell: Peace Creeps and Hells Angels
Who’s to Blame?

7-26-24 (135) We are continually told by Jewish-Marxists and Judeo-Xianity that all races are equal. Equal things may be substituted for other equal things without destroying that equality. Thus, tossing a White man out of his job and substituting a colored one, changes nothing relative to the workplace.

If the Jews are "God's chosen" and we are all equal, as the Jews tell us relative to Negro’s, then Negro’s are also "God's chosen". In fact, we are ALL God's chosen and therefore that identifier has absolutely no meaning whatsoever since it goes with the territory. Using it is the same as saying 'wet water'.

We are all born with a soul, so the story goes. All souls are equal. If 'evil' souls are possible, then it is obvious that we have control over the formation of our souls. The democratic propaganda states that Adolf Hitler was a man with an 'evil soul'. Was He born with an angelic one or does God nail some people with evil at the time of their conception? If Hitler was burdened by God with an evil soul, then why was he chosen and not someone else? So burdened, then why should anyone blame Hitler for anything he was alleged to have done? We should be blaming Providence!

Stand and Deliver Whiteman

7-26-24 (135) Today, when someone calls you a racist S.O.B., you start crying like a baby, drop to your knees and beg forgiveness for being such a misguided, unfeeling piece of crap. By the way, using 'racialist' as a substitute for 'racist' endears you to no one, especially your enemies.

We are not great in numbers but is that a reason to give up? As a man, knowing that a horde was coming to wipe out your family, would you run away, beg for mercy, or make sure that you would take as many of them with you as you could? How often we forget that when the untermensch get all they want from us, that they will no longer have any use for us. Cowards, sell outs, traitors, and such, are always USED by the enemy, but the time comes when they are just so much baggage. No one respects a wimp. When captured by the Iroquois, brave Whites were often accepted into the tribe as brothers, or killed quickly. The cowards were always tortured the most severely.

While the Vikings were putting roller bearings in the hubs of their carts, what do you suppose the untermensch of the then known world were doing? While the White people of Europe were building those astounding cathedrals, what sort of buildings where the race-mixers' constructing??

Whiteman, FIGHT!